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R.I.P: Links to pages in the context to D81.DE

Commodore related Web resources not mentioned anywhere else

  • Commodore emulation file formats; Peter Schepers (author of 64-Copy) wrote a documentation of many different Commodore computer (and CBM emulation) related file formats. One half are containers for virtual representations of Floppy diskettes or Tapes. The other half are well known archive formats, that were used on Commodore computers.

  • ARJuna, a versatile, universal floppy format importing and exporting software for the Catweasel controller. The sourcecode is available and published under the GNU General Public License.
    With its plugin concept and the capabilities of the Catweasel it is able to support virtuallay any known and unknown floppy disk format: FM, MFM, GCR and every RLL(x,y) encoding scheme. Currently the GCR encoding and the high level sector format of the Commodore home computer disk drive series is supported.

  • Disk2FDI, a software doing a nearly impossible thing. It is able to read non standard disks (foreign MFM formats) with the floppy disk controller of common PCs.
    Disk2FDI version 0.96α was the first release, that was also able to import GCR formatted disks. Now everyone can do CBM disk imports without additional cables or other stuff. The current Disk2FDI version 0.99α3 adds support for modified 300 rpm high density floppy disk drives, which frees the user from searching rare double density disk drives.

  • DCN-2692, the CBM-1581 clone controller board; Mika Leinonen reengineered the controller board of the 3,5" C1581 disk drive and developed a clone of it. He provides all the schematics, glue logic design files (equations as well as JEDEC files) and even the layouts for his PCB design. He also offers some factory-made boards with or without the parts soldered (announced: 2003-05-21, prices between €75 and €90).

    Also have a look onto his XPADME-1541 cable, an interesting adaption of the »well known« X series cables.

  • Kroko's 1541 serial interface project; this is the first widely known solution, where someone demonstrated a microcontroller based solution to interface common PCs with the Commodore serial IEC bus. Independent from the PC configuration, the hardware is able to establish a crystal clear timing for proper communication.

    A similar project is Marko Mäkelä's well known C2N232.

  • Sometime in the future, controllers with an USB connection (more listed at Keil software) instead of RS232 may be needed for modern computers. One example are PIC microcontrollers from MicroChip with built-in USB core (sample application for driving a LCD panel).

    Firmware based solutions for lower bandwidth needs may show Igor Češko's USB project and a Linux API for it; for similar (and derived) projects see also: MJoy and CJoy. An implementation that looks more prefessional comes from Objective Development and is available under an Open Source license model as well as a commercial license. A predecessor to both former projects is USBtiny with similarities to Objective Development's solutions. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License and contains further optimizations to speed up some other aspects of the protocol handler. Beside that USBtiny is better configurable regarding pin selections.

    Single USB product IDs (PIDs) that are needed to deliver a new USB device to the world can be purchased from Mecanique at a lower cost than becoming an USB vendor themself. They also sell a HID driver and firmware generation tool. VOTI assigned PIDs are similar to Mecanique's service.

    More and more USB links:
  • CBM-Hackers mailing list archive; this mail archive collects discussions about internal topics of the Commodore computers. Most is hardware or development oriented, some are emulation related.

  • DigiDOS, an american clone of the well known european SpeedDOS system. Raj extracted the ROM images and typed in the manual, he collected it all along with the tool disk on his web page.

  • The page 1541C-ROM für Commodore 1571 (german language web page with download links) describes a ROM replacement for the 1541 compatibility part of the ROM of the 1571 disk drive. It's a patched version of the ROM for the 1541C disk drive. The result is a 1571 disk drive, that is claimed to be 99,99% compatible to the 1541 disk drive.

  • A Look Around the 1571, »Commodore's Disk Drive Companion to the 128« is an article of the Ahoy! magazine, issue 21 of September 1985. It describes the C1571 disk drive and shows some fine inner view pictures of it. Another web site presents extremely high resolution pictures of the 1571.


Wolfgang Moser, 2006-11-24,  ,  ("contact me" form disabled due to too high demand, sorry)