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Documentation of the PCB of the Floppy-Speeder Professional-DOS, Version 1

The tables below are showing the documentation of the process of disassembling and analyzing the Professional-DOS PCB and the PROM (address decoding).

The C1541 drive expansion board of Professional-DOS and the C64 expansion port PCB of the Floppy-Flash speederWeb picture, 150 dpi
Download, 1200 dpi
Drive PCB viewed from the solder side and scanned bottom-up.Drive PCB, solder side, scanned bottom-up837x250,
112 kB
617 kB
Drive PCB viewed from the solder side and scanned top-down.Drive PCB, solder side, scanned top-down837x250,
114 kB
648 kB
Drive PCB viewed from the parts side and scanned bottom-up.Drive PCB, parts side, scanned bottom-up837x250,
101 kB
676 kB
Drive PCB viewed from the parts side and scanned top-down.Drive PCB, parts side, scanned top-down837x250,
98 kB
652 kB
Drive PCB viewed from the parts side with some parts removed and scanned bottom-up.Drive PCB partially disassembled, parts side, scanned bottom-up837x363,
150 kB
1008 kB
Drive PCB viewed from the parts side with some parts removed and scanned top-down.Drive PCB partially disassembled, parts side, scanned top-down837x363,
147 kB
940 kB
Drive PCB viewed from the bottom side.Drive PCB, bottom side837x144,
46 kB
246 kB
Drive PCB viewed from the top side.Drive PCB, top side837x144,
45 kB
237 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the solder side and scanned bottom-up.Empty drive PCB, solder side, scanned bottom-up837x250,
187 kB
959 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the solder side and scanned top-down.Empty drive PCB, solder side, scanned top-down837x250,
183 kB
912 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the solder side and scanned from the left to the right.Empty drive PCB, solder side, scanned left-right837x250,
176 kB
854 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the solder side and scanned from the right to the left.Empty drive PCB, solder side, scanned right-left837x250,
182 kB
926 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the parts side and scanned bottom-up.Empty drive PCB, parts side, scanned bottom-up837x250,
190 kB
947 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the parts side and scanned top-down.Empty drive PCB, parts side, scanned top-down837x250,
180 kB
848 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the parts side and scanned from the left to the right.Empty drive PCB, parts side, scanned left-right837x250,
193 kB
971 kB
Empty drive PCB viewed from the parts side and scanned from the right to the left.Empty drive PCB, parts side, scanned right-left837x250,
184 kB
880 kB
Desoldered parts of the drive PCB, viewed from the bottom side.Parts, bottom side1062x312,
175 kB
1386 kB
Desoldered parts of the drive PCB, viewed from the top side.Parts, top side1062x312,
136 kB
1058 kB
Floppy-Flash expansion board viewed from the solder side and scanned bottom-up.Floppy-Flash PCB, solder side, scanned bottom-up575x387,
129 kB
865 kB
Floppy-Flash expansion board viewed from the solder side and scanned top-down.Floppy-Flash PCB, solder side, scanned top-down575x387,
134 kB
915 kB
Floppy-Flash expansion board viewed from the parts side and scanned bottom-up.Floppy-Flash PCB, parts side, scanned bottom-up575x387,
123 kB
798 kB
Floppy-Flash expansion board viewed from the parts side and scanned top-down.Floppy-Flash PCB, parts side, scanned top-down575x387,
122 kB
801 kB

The PROM readout setups for analyzing the address decoder of Professional-DOSWeb picture, 300 dpi
Protoboard setup for reading out the 83S123A (74S188) PROM manually.Protoboard setup for manually reading out the PROM1024x768,
237 kB

The wired PROM, bus drivers and LEDs, ready for reading out.Wired PROM ready for reading out768x1024,
222 kB

The finished manual PROM analysisFinished PROM setup and analysis1024x768,
204 kB

C64 hardware setup for reading out the PROM mechanically.C64 hardware setup for reading out the PROM mechanically1024x768,
178 kB

Expansion port cartridge with an additional CIA 6526 for the C64 (two free bidirectional 8 bit ports)C64 expansion port cartridge with a CIA 6526800x600,
53 kB

Protoboard setup for reading out the 82S123A (74S188) PROM with the C64C64 PROM read out protoboard setup1024x768,
233 kB

The Professional-DOS PCB (including the PROM) connected and wired with the protoboardC64 PROM read out setup with the Professional-DOS PCB800x600,
151 kB


Wolfgang Moser, 2003-05-25,  ,  ("contact me" form disabled due to too high demand, sorry)